Ignition Workshop
#spacesofculture therestorationtoolbox eunic European Spaces of Culture 2023
About this assembly
The ignition workshop aims to help project partners and stakeholders to agree on an ethical framework (RESTORATION TOOLBOX Core values and strategies) for the involvement of communities and institutions in the participatory activities and the co-design of the methodologies to be deployed. The workshop is intended to serve as a catalyst for the creation of the RESTORATION TOOLBOX project and platform, establishing firm common ground among the different stakeholders that allows for a robust and healthy development of the network and its collective impact for the years to come. By “solid foundations” we refer to, firstly, creating a common base amongst all stakeholders around a series of skills, mindset, tools and concepts that foster genuine co-creation, unleashing the untapped powers of effective networks. These tools are not presented in a decontextualized, purely theoretical way but rather intimately embedded in every detail of the workshop design.
This first session objective is to establish a Shared language (glossary, tone, indicators of impact) and governance of the RESTORATION TOOLBOX platform and potential pilots considering local language and cultures.
Attention will be given to hosting a session defining the RESTORATION TOOLBOX “Tree of agreements”, a metaphor in which the “roots” of the tree are intended as a fundamental discussion underpinning the whole RESTORATION TOOLBOX project in collaboration with all partners.
The session will be structured around processes and practices that combine and adapt the working methods of user-centered design, agile development, and co-creation to the environments of social (digital) innovation through RESTORATION TOOLBOX.
More specifically, these broad goals have been developed through the following objectives:
● Establishing a common roadmap and help define the requirements of the RESTORATION TOOLBOX technological platform architecture;
● Developing a working consensus on max 8 pillars of the project as are the ethics and principles of the network; the glossary Developing a collective decision making process to agree on ethics, glossary and participation practices;
● Focusing on our communities of stakeholders and their participation in the co-creation process;
The second activity of the workshop (with a strong attention to the digital component of RESTORATION TOOLBOX) will start off reflecting through a collaborative bull’s eye canvas called “What makes me a participation addict” digging into the factors that encourage the engagement and motivation of users in digital participation platforms
The “What makes me a participation addict” is a methodology designed to allow the group to reflect in a collaborative way on the desired features of the RESTORATION TOOLBOX digital platform. The canvas allows a plenary group to reflect collaboratively on what characteristics were important for them as citizens when engaging in a public participation digital platform (in order to build empathy towards the project end users) and also what features are important for them as partners of the project, paying attention to the differences between both perspectives.